Hands-on Learning and Training Opportunities
The Zebrafish Education and Research Facility provides opportunities for training and hands-on learning using the zebrafish in both the classroom and in various research fields.
Because zebrafish share more than a 70% genetic similarity with humans, the species serves as an important animal model for studying multiple biomedical topics and human diseases. In fact, 85% of genes associated with human diseases can also be found in the zebrafish. Offering advantages such as ease of genetic manipulation, cost effectiveness, and rapid embryonic development, zebrafish provide a significant benefit to students and faculty interested in researching biomedical issues, including development, regeneration, infectious disease, cancer, and toxicology.
The facility is located on the Biddeford Campus and currently contains two double-sided recirculating systems with the capacity to house up to 7,000 zebrafish. It provides expertise and facilities for zebrafish husbandry as well as classroom and experimental use for faculty, students, and external users.